- We say goodbye to Kevin Spacey as he says goodbye to his career.
- The stomach-turning shooting in Texas has us grieving yet again. But we have reason to hope.
- Popular conservative Twitter accounts, like @Jenna_Abrams, have been outed as #FAKE. They were found to be created by the Russian government — which isn’t, by the way, only targeting conservatives.
- Papa John’s goes apeshit and Amazon apparently doesn’t consider the fact Americans have dogs???
- Submarine-ing is a thing.
- A brave listener writes in to warn us of Andrew’s treachery.
And in After Dark:
- “It was enough to butter a bagel.” Andrew regales us with a thoroughly unsavory tale about his genitals.
- Matt asks us a series of oddball questions that expose us for the idiots we are.
- Stairs are a challenge.
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