- 1/4 of our panel is celebrating Valentine’s Day in Aruba, so the rest of us are here to talk shit on her. We’re not jealous or anything.
- The Grammy’s were just asking for #GrammysSoWhite to trend, and they lived down to expectations.
- Something something 50 shades something Katy Perry.
- Laura and Andrew both became single in time for Valentine’s Day and have an 85% match on OKC. OTP!
- Listener feedback leaves us feeling like we’re still too old for that clubbing shit and that sexuality is weird.
- Tracking Trump is a our new segment in which we attempt to contain the diatonic new world order to 10 minutes of our show. It still feels like shit, sorry.
- AP choice asks us to relive our best and worst years, for book recommendations, and our thoughts on Jason Carter using a certain four word expletive on Twitter.
- Laura and Matt rock our new favorite game – Who said it – Voldemort or Steve Bannon?
And on this week’s edition of After Dark:
- Given the extreme weather events we’re seeing in Louisiana, Northern California, and the northeastern United States, we want to tell you some sweet cozy stories about times we’ve nearly died in natural disasters.
- All you need to know is that there is a weather phenomena called a “microburst” that will make you want to nope off of this planet.
- Our stories of earthquake and tornado survival pale in comparison to one listener’s story of surviving an avalanche.
- Fuck. That. Shit.
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