– A budding podcaster and professional quitter joins us this week. Welcome back, Micah!
– What are we thankful for? Nothing (except Bruce Springsteen).
– Trump was shocked to learn that the leader of the free world tends to live in the nation’s capital.
– Alexander Hamilton has a thing about picking fights with Vice Presidents, which is a convenient distraction for the $25 million Trump University settlement. But for real…
– America fucked up: nationalists and racists in the White House, threats of mass deportation and Obamacare repeal. Call Speaker Ryan and voice your support for the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare): (202) 225-0600
– Speaking of unstable sociopaths, Kanye has kicked off his 2020 campaign by going to rehab. #blessed
– California, Imma let you finish, but South Carolina had the best USExit of ALL TIME!
– We talk Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (hint: the West Wing circa 2017) BEWARE: Here there be spoilers!
– Listener Earnie piques Andrew’s interest in being a cross-contintental road whore.
And on this week’s installment of After Dark:
– “Hello darkness my old friend,” said the Walmart employee as he ventured into the dimly lit megamart at 3 am for a long day of scanning barcodes and questioning the life choices that led him to this point.
– Who the fuck goes Black Friday shopping anyway? (hint: Andrew)
– Can millennials and our lack of disposable income save future generations of retail workers from this most heinous of shopping holidays?
To listen to Episode #2×44, update your iTunes/RSS feed (here’s more on how to listen), directly download the file, or use this player: