This week’s episode welcomes guest host Zach to the program, because Zach was unlucky enough to win a Golden Ticket from our t-shirt sales. Sorry Zach.
- Andrew realizes the fate of his sister’s marriage is in his hands.
- Surprise, Bitch! takes us to Portugal, a country wisely deciding to avoid Trump over-saturation.
- But we’re not. Dumpster Fire 2016 covers the final convention controversies and looks ahead to the campaigns’ general election strategies.
- With primary season over, will Trump change course? Will we see a more presidential candidate? Do pigs fly?
- YOU get an anxiety disorder! YOU get clinical depression! WE ALL. GET. A PROBLEM!!! Mental health issues are surprisingly common and shouldn’t be taboo or embarrassing. Zach leads the conversation with beautiful candor and a killer accent.
- Which organization’s donation average is $69? Find out why it’s not fucking us on “The Number.”
And in this week’s rousing installment of After Dark:
- With the Cursed Child play officially in bookstores, Andrew introduces us to the new world of Albus Severus/Scorpius fan fiction. No foreplay. He just makes us dive right in. You might say he inserted it.
- We dramatically read one of the story’s raunchiest sex scenes.
- Zach judges our performances, Laura gets a semi.
- #Weeping.
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