– Matt had a scary experience during his visit to Oklahoma. Far less scary was Laura’s time at Hillary’s campaign launch event!
– Jeb Bush has announced he’s running for President with his super fun campaign logo which reads “Jeb!” — What’s the deal with this logo and his campaign so far?
– We discuss Jurassic World and Game of Thrones (spoiler-free), the two pop culture entities chomping away at the world this week.
– In the news: Nancy Pelosi goes rogue, Elon Musk announces internet for all, a study looks at how stress hurts your health, and America’s favorite fake black person Rachel Dolezal.
– How do we de-stress? One of Andrew’s suggestions does nothing BUT stress us out.
– Surprise, Bitch! By the way, you and your boyfriend are really attractive.
– New segment: The Incoherent Political Tweet of the Week.
– One of our Patreon supporters request that we discuss mental health and how it’s affected any of our families.
– Note: This episode was recorded on Monday night before Donald Trump announced his Presidential campaign and Rachel Dolezal explained herself on the Today Show.
And this week, on After Dark…
– Wow, John Stamos is an idiot.
– Summer television: What are we and our listeners watching?
– Inspired by the girls, Andrew and Matt share their dating stories. Unlike the ladies, their stories are tame.
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