– We spent some quality time Google mapping your addresses while sending out album art. Hope that doesn’t freak you out.
– Andrew is making final preparations for the printing of our $10+ Patreon t-shirts! Check out our most recent poll on Patreon to have your say about what should be on the shirt.
– We address a really sad and strange event which transpired on Monday involving a former MuggleCast host. Check out the Daily Dot article for additional context.
– We cover news that we’ve missed over the last couple of weeks: Cecil the lion, states strike down bans on animal cruelty footage, the first GOP debate, and more!
– The federal government thinks for-profit universities are such a bad idea that they won’t give you loans to go there. Guys, if the GOVERNMENT thinks this is a bad investment, it’s probably a bad idea.
– Speaking of bad ideas: Tindr. Is it strictly a hookup app? Or is it possible to find long lasting love there? Spoiler: No.
– Surprise Bitch! returns with Taylor from Colorado. We discuss the merits of ganja. Laughs are had. You probably wish you were there.
– We introduce a new game: No Context. We pick random songs and explain how they’re related to the news stories we discussed today.
And on this week’s After Dark:
– Revenge of Andy’s popcorn balls.
– Haha vs lol. The Facebook discourse analysts are watching. Choose wisely.
– What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done on social media, and we’re you ever caught? This seems like a breeze after the very public Twitter meltdown we witnessed yesterday.
To listen to Episode #28, update your iTunes/RSS feed (here’s more on how to listen), directly download the file, or use this player: