- Hurricanes, mushrooms, and homeowner woes abound in this week’s #Millennial.
- The Emmys were a snooze fest for viewers and presenters alike.
- Brett Kavanaugh gets the Anita Hill treatment: Dr. Christine Blasey Ford has come forward with allegations that the SCOTUS nominee assaulted her when they were teenagers.
- Did the Chinese government kidnap famous actress Fan Bingbang for tax evasion?
- Guess which country wants to legalize dueling? Surprisingly, it’s not the US.
- Google that Shit (or, in Soviet Russia, you no Google Shit, Shit Google you).
- The Confessional gets personal: casual sex and ending long-term relationships.
And in this week’s installment of After Dark, available on Patreon:
- Late Bloomers! According to the University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute, millennials are slower to get behind the wheel.
- Boomers consume more news than millennials, but does quantity of consumption necessarily equate to quality?
- We can’t defend this one: our generation has the lowest voter turnout numbers of any age group. VOTE LEST YE BE BONED BY STUDENT LOANS.
To listen to Episode #4×36, update your iTunes/RSS feed (here’s more on how to listen), directly download the file, or use this player: