Watch below (note: This is totally live and unedited), or listen via all the usual ways (with some editing)!
- The hosts all have drinks to enjoy… but some couldn’t resist starting to drink before we hopped onto Google Hangouts. Uh oh.
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens has arrived, and for the most part, we love it. Don’t worry, we don’t share any spoilers.
- What are we up to this holiday break?
- One of us shares an epic story about how she learned that Santa Claus is f’n fake.
- It’s time to open our Secret Santa gifts! Laura’s a little confused by her gift, Matt’s a little underwhelmed, and Andrew’s just fine with his.
- News: The Harry Potter stage play has cast a black Hermione, and healthcare costs are on the rise.
- Since we’re doing the show live on Google Hangsouts, we welcome listeners to the show! Y’all are fun to talk to.
- We round out the show with a few games: Devil’s Advocate (in which we critique #Millennial!), Google That Shit: Holiday Edition, and Who Said It?
- Thank you ALL for a wonderful first year! We’ll be back on January 13 with our season 2 premiere!
And this week on After Dark…
- Matt hosts a Christmas movie game.. but the other hosts don’t know Christmas movies very well. We also answer “Favorite of 2015” topics as suggested by our Associate Producers!
To listen to Episode #46, update your iTunes/RSS feed (here’s more on how to listen), directly download the file, or use this player: