#Millennial comes back from Spring Break with a bang. And a lot of embarrassment for Andrew.
- Speaking of our star host: 80 years later, Andrew finally went to the dentist. What sordid diseases did they find?
- Fwd: Andrew likes British penis – the title of an actual email, from an actual listener, who experienced a Close Encounter of the Andrew Kind on Tindr.
- Should he have said “hook up”?
- Beauty and The Beast gets positive reviews, even from folks who didn’t care to see it. Will Belle finally address her Stockholm Syndrome?
- A high school teenager in the Mid-West went viral last week after her school sent her home for exposing her shoulders. The girls get angry.
The Number reveals one of us spends too much money on Pokemon incubators.
And in this week’s Special, Forever-Long Edition of After Dark:
- We make up for our Spring Break stint with a special appearance by Andrew’s little brother, Ryan, who reveals precisely how he found out Andrew was gay… years before he officially came out.
- Spoiler alert: video footage. #TheresAnAppForThat
- Okay guys. Let’s dive into TrumpCare. What does the GOP’s new healthcare bill actually do, and who would it most directly affect?
- A Confessional has us feeling all kinds of Dr. Phil-y as we dissect the complexities of friendship. Thankfully we can offer completely objective advice given we don’t have friends.
To listen to Episode #3×10, update your iTunes/RSS feed (here’s more on how to listen), directly download the file, or use this player: