Episode #3: Brian Williams Remembers


Our third installment of #Millennial is​ here and​ ready for your listening pleasure. In this episode:

– We announce new Patreon benchmarks for our incredible subscribers. Our first milestone: if we get 300 Patrons, we’ll have a raffle wherein winners get to make us do one thing– anything– on the show. We regret this decision already.
– Micah is dead. His life silenced. Just like our hashtag.
– We go over some feedback from our Islam discussion. Spoiler alert: everyone hates us.
– Andrew introduces a new segment called Sad Old People News, although in one case we think he’s confused “old” with “dead.”
– Brian Williams, ISIS, and anti-vaxers. Especially anti-vaxers. Put down the free-range organic sage. It isn’t helping you assholes.
– Listener Challenge: Micah’s gone for the next two weeks, so send a recording of yourself doing your best Micah impression to millennialshow@gmail.com! We’ll play our favorites on Episode #4.
– ​SURPRISE, BITCH. We welcome Mark to the show, and his voice is sexy enough to rival Micah’s​. ​

And in this week’s ​”​After Dark​”​:

– Fifty Shades of Grey is Fifty Kinds of Disturbing. But we want to see it anyway. ​
– ​In talking about Fifty Shades, ​Andrew ​realizes something about his boyfriend’s sexual proclivities. And we learn a lot about Laura.
– They’re thinking about making Hunger Games prequels… and sequels? What in the actual fuck?​​ Thanks, Obama.

To listen to Episode #3, update your iTunes/RSS feed (here’s more on how to listen), directly download the file, or use this player:

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