- We’re back this week with a SUPER packed election episode.
- But first, Chris Rock took on the Academy for #OscarsSoWhite. Leo finally won an Oscar though, so… #progress?
- The #Millennial Confessional brings some exciting news, as well as questions about striking a work/life balance.
The shocking results from Super Tuesday states revealPR team telling us that the only person shocked by results is Marco Rubio, who is currently experiencing software difficulties and needs a reboot. BRB. - This just in: Trump is no longer a joke. Stop laughing. No. Really… Stop.
- Chris Christie and the Republican Party Schism.
- No Context requires us to make Super Tuesday connections to songs about work and funerals. What?
- Hidden from the Headlines takes us to the Matrix. Soon, you too can learn how to deepthroat by absorbing the brain waves of a seasoned porn star.
In this week’s installment of After Dark (which is available to $2+ Patrons this week):
- Will it ever be “cool” to act presidential again, or are we doomed to a century of racist sociopaths with bad combovers and multiple bankruptcies?
- Move over ISIL, Emoji terrorism has come to America.
- The hosts prove they can’t even effectively hit on hotties on social media.
To listen to Episode #2×08, update your iTunes/RSS feed (here’s more on how to listen), directly download the file, or use this player: