- Matt starts off the week with a great pick-me-up tale about parking lot homicide.
- Emmy nominations were just announced and a supporter has us questioning whether television is a better medium for diversity than film.
- Yet another mass shooting this week, this time in Chattanooga, Tennessee. We let gun facts speak for themselves.
- TLC realizes molestation isn’t good PR and pulls the plug on the Duggars’ show, “19 Kids and Counting.”
- Donald Trump might be a joke, but his infiltration of the American political landscape isn’t. Is the Huffington Post being irresponsible by covering him differently than other presidential candidates?
- Get pumped, nerds! It’s time to break down the Iran nuclear proliferation deal in all its diplomatic glory. Sorry not sorry, Benjamin Natanyahu.
- BREAKING: Divorce attorneys buy out world’s supply of luxury yachts in anticipation of upcoming bonuses from Ashley Madison hack. The dating website, specifically designed for adultery, boasts the slogan, “Life’s short. Have an affair.”
- The Andrew Game: wherein we all find out we’re worth something to him, but it ain’t $1 million.
And in this week’s installment of After Dark:
- We talk about our workplace horror stories and share a particularly mortifying gem.
- We swap disgusting anecdotes that make Laura question the life choices that led her to this moment.
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