#Millennial doesn’t break for Memorial Day. Because #America.
-Welcome back, Andrew! We hope your birthday was worth the misery you inflicted on us.
-President Obama is on Twitter, and people are sexualizing their fathers. These are somehow related.
-Announcing: create your own #Millennial segment! This is your opportunity to be part of the show and impact our coverage of the news.
-In this week’s news: the NSA mass surveillance program is in trouble, and for once we all say “thank you, Rand Paul” non-ironically.
-The Senate will be voting again on whether to continue the NSA’s spying program this week, so visit www.senate.gov to find your Senators and let them know how you feel. This is one of those times wherein your voice really could influence the outcome.
-Team Green teaches the world a lesson as Ireland votes to legalize same-sex marriage.
-The Duggars, famous Christian family and Slayer of Condoms, are caught protecting their child-molesting son, proving reality TV really is stranger (and worse) than fiction.
-Part 1 of a 2 Part discussion on rape and sexual assault: Emma Sulkowicz, Columbia University student, carried her mattress with her across stage last week to symbolize the burden rape survivors carry.
-Question of the Week: What’s something that’s almost gotten you killed? The hosts have some unexpected answers and one very important piece of advice.
And in this week’s After Dark:
-We cover a WTF News story and a plethora of great book recommendations.
-The Confessional: the hosts hear three very different confessions and offer their unique advice.
To listen to Episode #18, update your iTunes/RSS feed (here’s more on how to listen), directly download the file, or use this player:
- Email us your questions or comments at millennialshow@gmail.com
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Calling someone else “dad” or “mom”, usually a celebrity, essentially is the same as jokingly saying “you are my idol/adopt me!” The fact that I know this is a sign I spend too much time on Tumblr.