-The hosts are watching the riots in Baltimore unfold during recording, and we report live from the scene of Facebook.
-Ben Affleck censors a PBS program to hide the fact that one of his ancestors was a slave-owner. We are all shocked. People still watch PBS?
-The Supreme Court will be hearing a landmark case deciding the fate of gay marriage today. The ruling isn’t expected until June, but the hosts are already on their analysis game.
-Senate Majority Leader and Chief Galapagos Turtle Mitch McConnell (R-KY) just introduced a bill to extend the Patriot Act through 2020. It is currently set to expire in June. If it passes, it will become nearly impossible to end the NSA’s spying program on American citizens.
-The Host Confessional: Revealed. We each announce which confession was ours, and in other news, you guys know us far too well for comfort.
– BREAKING NEWS: Andrew listens to more than Bruce Springsteen. A new music segment breaks the mold, as we each recommend and play snippets of an artist we’re really into.
-Surprise, bitch! Welcome to the show Emily. We’re sorry Emily. We hope you’re not letting your kids listen to us Emily.
-Listener challenge: please support relief efforts in Nepal, because “giving a shit” is the new black.
-ANNOUNCEMENT: In honor of reaching 400 Patrons, we’re planning a LIVE show! We’ll be broadcasting via video conference, taking calls, and pulling an on-air prank alongside the listeners tuning in. This is all going down on Sunday, May 17 at 8 PM EST, so mark your calendars. Anyone who donates via Patreon.com/Millennial before then will be able to join the madness.
After Dark:
-Andrew lives through a horrifying hotel experience and tells us all about it.
-Nerd Prom: The White House Correspondents Dinner. We play a highlight reel and dream of the day #Millennial gets invited.
-Andrew gets curious: what would we all do if we didn’t feel obligated to live up to others’ expectations?
To listen to Episode #14, update your iTunes/RSS feed (here’s more on how to listen), directly download the file, or use this player:
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Thank you for bringing up video game soundtracks. SO SO GOOD.