- Welcome to #Millennial, the home of pretend adulting and real STRIKE talk!
- We ain’t crossing the picket line: why we support the WGA and SAG strikes.
- Writers, actors, directors, and other creators are receiving PENNIES on their streaming residuals, meanwhile corporate execs are yachting and complaining about not having money.
- Studios are hoping background actors will agree to one day of shooting and granting the studio perpetual ownership of their likeness with no further compensation.
- Other industries, like airlines and parcel shipment services, are also staring down the barrel of looming strikes. Are we at a cultural turning point in the push for workers’ rights?
- Shoutout to unions, who got us weekends, paid sick leave, higher wages, and safer working conditions to name a few of their accomplishments.
- We explore some examples of historical strikes, and examine what caused them to be successful vs what caused them to fail: Flint United Auto Workers Sit-in, Memphis Sanitation Workers’ strike, Postal Workers’ Strike, Air traffic controllers walk-out, Hornel Minnesota Meatpackers, UPS Workers’ Strike (1997), and General Motors Workers’ strike (2019).
- AI is a hot topic across the board, but it is no stranger to controversy in the writing world: G/O Media, who owns sites like Gizmodo, A/V Club, Jezebel, io9, and Kotaku, announced that they would start testing AI-written content, a controversial announcement made days after laying off several writers.
- The AI articles were simply published with by an author named “Gizmodo Bot,” and one of the first ones published at the entertainment site io9 went really badly.
- Where is the line with using AI to streamline work? How are we continuing to use Chat GPT?
- This week’s recommendations will literally make you cool for the summer: Glossier’s Universal Pro-Retinol (Laura), after sun gel with aloe and lidocaine (Pam), and Spotify’s AI DJ (Andrew).
And in this week’s installment of After Dark, available on Patreon and Apple Podcasts:
- We can’t talk about AI without talking about the AI face filters that are triggering us on Tiktok.
- Tiktok’s ‘Aged’ filter is either making you look like a hot granny or a melting crypt keeper.
- The slippery slope of using face filters on social media and on Zoom: you forget that having smooth, textureless skin isn’t reality.