The show is back with its full arsenal of hosts as they discuss how podcasting is in a “golden age,” Walmart’s recent payraises, Obama veto-ing the keystone pipeline, and more.
– House of Cards has taken over our lives again.
– Podcasts are growing in popularity! Why is this? Do we have #Millennial or another “-ial” podcast to thank?
– Our first Patreon raffle winner is Cheryl, who requests that the hosts use old prospector-type curse words for the entire episode instead of our usual swear words. We turn this into a game where the person who screws up the most has to make a shocking confession at the end of the episode.
– The world was taken by the color of the dress. We offer our opinions on its color and try to get a handle on why it went #viral.
– We play a clip of recent bonus content available to our Patreon supporters. Sign up at http://www.patreon.com/millennial!
– In the news: Walmart’s raising wages, Obama vetoes the Keystone XL pipeline, and Net Neutrality passes. We discuss why all three of these stories matter.
– Laura quizzes each of the co-hosts to find out if they should be allowed U.S. citizenship. Spoiler: Most of the official questions are stupidly easy.
– Micah kicks off WTF News with the most WTF story of them all. Plus, Seattle residents have been barred from throwing food in the trash, and Winston Churchill’s blood is going to be auctioned off. Laura offers a list of things to do with his vile of blood if you’re the winning bidder.
And this week, on After Dark:
– The hosts have more questions for the curse word game loser who made that aforementioned shocking confession.
– Bill Clinton’s official portrait has a reference to Monica Lewensky which the artist just revealed. How did we miss this?
– We discuss the House of Cards and Netflix binge phenomenon What other shows are worth watching on Netflix?
– Millennials are under scrunity once again, and Laura proves why recent comments are total nonsense.
To listen to Episode #6, update your iTunes/RSS feed (here’s more on how to listen), directly download the file, or use this player:
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