It’s December going on June in New Jersey and Washington, D.C. this week. But we don’t climate change hold us back.
- If you knew that was the Star Wars theme song, congratulations on reaching Level 10 Master Nerd status.
- Seriously, we’re PUMPED to be visiting a galaxy far, far away again, and the new Fantastic Beasts trailer is the cherry on our movie madness sundae.
- “$5 to take a shit, please.” Words you could be hearing on your next flight? So says Congressman Dan Lipinski (D-IL), whose “Comfortable and Fair Flights Act of 2015” is designed purely to forbid airlines from charging for bathroom access.
- Woodland, North Carolina shows us why we can’t have nice things when people think solar energy is a finite resource. What the what?
- The Paris Climate Deal is official, and it relies heavily on voluntary commitments– is there still cause to celebrate?
- Hidden From the Headlines reveals prejudices against women in Israel as Jennifer Lawrence posters are torn down and vandalized.
- Question of the Week: Fast food. Where would you eat the rest of your life, if you were forced to choose?
- Favorite Song of 2015 asks us each what epitomized the year for us.
- Surprise, bitch! interrupts a listener in the midst of finals.
And in this week’s installment of After Dark:
- Text messaging is so ubiquitous, it has its own etiquette. And a new study says ending your text with a period makes you sound disingenuous.
- “What’s something you do that you secretly hope others do, too?” Buckle up. It’s getting gross.
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