In our last show of the year, we streamed LIVE for Patrons and welcomed back a long-lost host.
- Happy birthday, Laura. We hope this embarrasses you, Laura.
- News jumps off with a report from Aleppo, Syria, where thousands of unarmed civilians have been slaughtered. Know what it is now, Gary?
- Biden/Obama 2020: Because Obama’s departure feels too real after his last-ever press conference of the year.
- Now that the FBI concedes Vladimir Putin deliberately interfered with the 2016 presidential race, every single U.S. intelligence agency – from the NSA to the CIA on down – is in lock step agreement. Yet Donald Trump refuses to accept it. That is scary.
- Get into the holiday spirit with our annual GIFT EXCHANGE!!! Who the fuck got Andrew that?!
- Farm girls have great calves. #FYI
- Goodbye, 2016. What will 2017 hold? We guess the new year’s upcoming headlines.
- Patrons can watch this entire podcast us on video at this link.
In this episode’s After Dark:
- We bring Devil’s Advocate back and challenge ourselves to argue: why was 2016 the best year? (Lol)
- World peace. Or world destruction. Our individual hopes for the new year vary.
- Andrew relives a tragic New Years Eve story.
To listen to Episode #2×47, update your iTunes/RSS feed (here’s more on how to listen), directly download the file, or use this player: