Episode #12: Ready For Chipotle


– Hillary’s running for President! Andrew confesses he had a moment.

– It’s going to be a long campaign. There’s already security footage of The Big H at Chipotle, as she travels to Iowa.

– Marco Rubio is also in, btw.

– A #Millennial raffle winner asks: If we had $10,000 to give to someone who influenced our younger selves, who would we give it to?

– Game of Thrones is here, and EVERYONE is watching!

– Apple releases a #Millennial emoji. Amazing!

– Listener feedback addresses a brush with death and mandatory voting.

– News: Laura has a lot to say about Walter Scott, footage of police brutality surfaces in California, the Boston Marathon Bomber is found guilty, and SPACE!

– #Millennial Confessional: What to do when your own mother hates you?

– Stupid Ted Cruz Comment of the Week, and a Question of the Week related to Ted. Okay, we’re taking a break from Ted after this episode.

And this week, on After Dark

– Alcohol. Favorite beers, favorite hard liquor, and Andrew tells the story of the last time he puked his brains out.

– We host a Throwback Thursday a little early by retelling a great story from our times hanging out together.

– Andrew saves $170 on the Apple Watch.

To listen to Episode #12, update your iTunes/RSS feed (here’s more on how to listen), directly download the file, or use this player:

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