Episode #2×10: The Drop Bear Conspiracy


  • What does a year in space do to your body, besides deprive it of sex? Astronaut Scott Kelly holds the answers. 
  • Listener Feedback is best described as, “You’re all idiots,” but we know that, so at least there’s common ground.
  • This week’s installment of Hidden from the Headlines is brought to you by Fuck You, Pakistan, and whatever shit bigoted horse you rode in on. 
  • News this week kicks off by asking listeners to imagine spending $50 for a movie, if you get to watch it in your pajamas. (Can’t you do that anyway if you just stop giving a shit?)
  • Trump and Hillary make front pages again, as the GOP front runner sees mass violence break out at his rallies and the Democratic contender says something dumb about the Reagans.
  • How much food do you throw out each day? Chances are, enough to feed someone else. That’s why Tesco will begin donating all their unsold food to charity next year. Get your shit together, Whole Foods.
  • President Obama disappoints. 
  • What overused phrases, besides that one, inspire rage? What about these axioms pisses us all off and why won’t Matt stop using them.
  • No Context puts us all on the hot seat this week, and Aussie listener Greg gets his turn in the spotlight.

And in this week’s After Dark:

  • Let’s circle back around to our listener feedback and the growing PC culture debate. Because we haven’t quite pissed off all of you yet.
  • Personal stories of run-ins with extreme Social Justice Warriors abound.
  • Where do we think the movement is valid, and where is it going too far?
  • What even is a “safe space” and why is Andrew so God damned wise about them?

To listen to Episode #2×10, update your iTunes/RSS feed (here’s more on how to listen), directly download the file, or use this player: